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OCS Administration

Choosing the right school for your child(ren) is one of the most important decisions a parent/guardian has to make.  Choosing the right school for your child with a disability makes that decision even more difficult. At OCS we recognize that every child learns differently, has a unique set of goals, and has limitless potential.  As a school we strive to set the highest expectations for each individual student, encourage growth and progress, and challenge ourselves to help them go even further.  We pride ourselves on a smaller school setting where the students feel safe, are offered more individualized supports and instruction, and whom are taught by highly skilled, qualified, and trained intervention specialists, general education teachers, and therapists.  We hope that when you are making this difficult decision for your family, that you will consider OCS.
Erik Wilson,
Director of Special Education

At Oakstone Community School, our staff have the goal to help our students excel. We strive to ensure that students enrolled at Oakstone Community School are equipped with the proper tools to discover their potential. It is our mission that all students are able to experience school in a positive and supportive environment. Each Individualized Education Plan specifically details all the supports and interventions that are needed to be successful in the classroom. With hands-on practice we teach our students how to navigate through an academic-based education. Our teaching teams frequently communicate with students, other staff, and parents in order to help make Oakstone Community School be a well-connected organization.

At Oakstone Community School we have a committed staff focused on the development of each student’s individual needs.  In addition to academics, we place emphasis on strengthening every student’s emotional, behavioral, and social well-being.  With an understanding that students begin each school year at varying levels, our staff takes a team approach to develop and modify as needed a collaborative plan to help meet the full potential of every student.  The Oakstone staff of teachers and therapists believe all students can learn and make progress and strive to give their best each and every day.

Natalie Felty, Principal

Superintendent, Heather Kronewetter
Principal, Natalie Felty

Fiscal Officer, Johanna Gladman

Oakstone Community School
2655 Oakstone Drive

Columbus, Ohio 43231

PH: 614.865-3413
FX:  614.865.9649

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